From Bastii
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
- 12:09, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:R3broot-ucesb.pdf
- 12:09, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Epics.pdf
- 12:09, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastian loeher ucesb unpacking.pdf
- 12:09, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastian loeher ucesb status.pdf
- 12:05, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Video-sim.pdf
- 12:03, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastian loeher mbs.pdf
- 12:00, 14 March 2017 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Nurdlib.pdf
- 21:36, 21 October 2015 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg15 poster.pdf
- 14:06, 15 August 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Dissertation bastian loeher for bib online 20140730.pdf (PhD thesis (Dissertation) Author: Bastian Löher Title: Probing the Decay Characteristics of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in the Semi-Magic Nucleus 140Ce with γ-γ Coincidence Measurements URN: urn:nbn:de:hebis:77-38195)
- 14:00, 15 August 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Promotionsgesuch 2013.pdf
- 13:53, 15 August 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Cv.pdf (my CV)
- 10:54, 5 May 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg14 talk.pdf
- 10:54, 5 May 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg13 talk.pdf
- 10:49, 5 May 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastian loeher bormio 2014.pdf
- 23:40, 16 January 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastian loeher bormio 2012.pdf
- 23:38, 16 January 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastianloeher oslo 2013.pdf
- 23:35, 16 January 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastianloeher bormio 2013.pdf
- 23:31, 16 January 2014 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastianloeher.pdf
- 15:40, 22 March 2012 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg12 talk.pdf
- 15:40, 22 March 2012 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg11 poster.pdf
- 10:58, 19 November 2010 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Master thesis presentation.pdf
- 10:49, 19 November 2010 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Master thesis.pdf
- 11:55, 5 November 2010 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Master proposal presentation.pdf
- 07:17, 13 October 2010 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Loeher master thesis proposal.pdf (The master Thesis Porposal in its final form.)
- 08:40, 18 March 2010 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg10 talk.pdf
- 09:04, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep bsc talk.pdf (The talk I had to hold on my Thesis. It covers the most important points.)
- 09:03, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep bsc thesis.pdf (My Bachelor's Thesis)
- 08:56, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Tagger manual pmcontrol.pdf (The manual for the software I wrote in the course of my mini research project at the NEPTUN tagger.)
- 08:54, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep mdk detector manual.pdf (The detector manual we had to write for class. My part is on Time Projection Chambers.)
- 08:37, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 4 6 ndyag laser.pdf (Nd-YAG Laser Experiment, frequency doubling, non-linear effects)
- 08:35, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 3 21 roentgen kleinwinkelstreuung.pdf (Roentgen (x-ray) small angle scattering)
- 08:35, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 3 17 debye scherrer.pdf (Debye Scherrer Experiment)
- 08:34, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 3 3 polarisation und doppelbrechung.pdf (Polarisation and birefringence)
- 08:33, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 2 8b positronen emissions tomographie.pdf (PET - positron emission tomography)
- 08:32, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 2 6 hoehenstrahlung.pdf (Cosmic radiation)
- 08:32, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 2 4 moessbauer.pdf (Moessbauer Resonance)
- 08:31, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 1 8 infrarot spektroskopie.pdf (Infrared spectroscopy)
- 08:30, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 1 6 franck hertz.pdf
- 08:29, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Fp 1 5 zeeman.pdf (Zeeman Effect)
- 08:23, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg08 poster.png (The poster I made for the DPG Spring Meeting 2008)
- 07:53, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep dpg09 talk.pdf (The talk I held on the DPG Spring Meeting 2009. Similar to the BSc talk, but in English)
- 07:50, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep expsem talk.pdf (The experimental seminar talk. Topic is photon tagging facilities. Specially the NEPTUN facility in Darmstadt)
- 07:48, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep ske talk.pdf (Talk on the magnetic moment of the proton. For the lecture on the structure of nuclei and particles, held by P. Braun-Munzinger in 2009)
- 07:47, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep theosem handout.pdf (Handout for the theory seminar)
- 07:46, 12 July 2009 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Rep theosem talk.pdf (The seminar talk for the theory seminar. On Shell Model Monte Carlo calculations)
- 00:36, 15 December 2008 Bastii (Talk | contribs) uploaded File:Bastii1.jpg (A photograph of me. Taken on the shoreline of Lausanne, Switzerland in 2008)